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Society for All Round Development (SARD)

SARD is an organization with strong roots and a maturing capacity for undertaking important work in an area of deprivation where a minority group is disadvantaged in many ways. their proven ability to work with the community and their commitment to mainstreaming and working with government and local political and social organizations puts them in a strong position within the peSle network to offer models and research that will identify and describe change processes in education as they affect children, teachers and the community. the team has found SARD to be an open and coherent organization, experimental and reflective and drawing lessons from the work that they are doing.

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Components of SARD's Direct Intervation Model

Intensive one-on-one engagement with every child to improve their learning levels

Customized approach & strategies based on individual needs

Introduction of our innovative pedagogy model & methodology

Periodical assessment of children & the maintenance of an intensive Information Management System

Use of technology to enhance students’ understanding of Language & Mathematics

Psychosocial support for children as and when required

Direct Intervation Remedial Model

Assesment of learning problems/disorders & extention of appropriate support

Systematic efforts for ensuring retention of students in the school

Rolling-out of awareness building and sensitization initiatives for stakeholders

1 Academic facilitators per school

Intensive one on one engagement with the students

Customized learning support based on individual need assessment

Designing of appropriate teaching-learning material
